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SPECIAL OFFER: Complimentary Invisalign Consultation

The Health Benefits of Straight Teeth

Man Inserting Invisalign Clear Aligners

You may be surprised to know that the benefits of having properly aligned teeth extend far beyond a confident smile. According to the American Dental Association, straightening your teeth can actually significantly affect your overall dental health. Think about it - a smile can hardly be perfect if it's not a healthy one. Fortunately, with Invisalign, having a confident smile and reducing your risk for tooth decay and gum disease go hand in hand.

Easier Cleaning and Overall Health

Swollen, red gums can often be the result of having teeth that are crowded or too widely spaced. Unfortunately, these are also signs of periodontal disease. When teeth are properly aligned, it helps the gums fit more securely around the teeth, allowing for the strongest and healthiest defense against potential periodontal problems.

Invisalign aligners make daily oral hygiene easier, thus reducing the risk of possible problems. With Invisalign, the aligners are removable, so it's easy to continue brushing and flossing your teeth the way you normally do.

Special Offer from StarBrite Dental

The complimentary Invisalign consultation also includes a Smile Analysis when you bring in our online coupon. You can actually see your new, perfect smile instantly!

And remember, if you are overdue for your regular dental exam, don't wait until you have a problem that could lead to an expensive dental treatment, call StarBrite Dental at (301) 770-1070. We look forward to seeing you in the office.

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