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What Your Dental Hygiene Appointment Means to Me

Rockville MD Dental Hygienist Cherise

Dental hygiene appointments are efficient and thorough. There's a level of compassion where we take the time to not just educate, but to really inform our patients so that their proper oral health is being maintained, and as needed we work with them until it is there. Our patients can see that and it causes them to change their outlook on their oral health through education.

Additionally, we take special pictures of the mouth and this allows us to show the patient exactly what is going on inside their mouth, and because they can see it clearly too - they get it.

Again, we are a very visual practice, so on top of lots of pictures to explain dental issues, we use educational videos. We use them to explain what is causing their dental issues and what dental procedures can be done to remedy it. But more importantly, through the videos, we show the patient the exact at-home care steps they need to take care of their mouths.

We also talk about the importance of nutrition and how it relates to your oral health. Also, we talk about habits like grinding and clenching and how these effect overall oral health in terms of bone loss, chipping, fracturing of tooth structure, etc., again with videos on why this is and what's happening to cause it.

We then offer a solution for that exact dental issue, such as night guards, retainers, or even sleep apnea devices in more severe cases. Each hygiene appointment is not a number, it is a very individual service where we take the time to inform our patients on how to best care for their oral and dental health.

At StarBrite Dental we not only care about what's happening with our patients' oral health but we communicate the information in such a way that the patient gets it, and then they are motivated to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

I have been a practicing hygienist for 25 years, I am very knowledgeable and passionate about this profession and I work to pass that enthusiasm and knowledge on to my patients.

Hope to see you in my chair soon,

CJ Banks

If you are overdue for your hygiene appointment, don't wait until you have a problem that could lead to an extensive dental treatment, call StarBrite Dentalat at (301) 770-1070. We look forward to seeing you in the office.

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