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How to Prevent Crooked Teeth

Invisalign for a New Smile

Could you be unintentionally forcing your teeth out of their ideal position with your daily activities? Check the list below to see if you have any of these habits:

1) Grinding teeth: Your dentist is probably the one who’ll tell you that you grind your teeth after noticing some are worn down. Or you might experience these signs of teeth-grinding: tight jaw muscles, dull headache or sensitive teeth. Grinding your teeth will gradually change the shape of your mouth.

2) Less-than-perfect oral hygiene: Ideally, you would be brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily and seeing your dentist twice a year to have plaque removed. If you don’t, gum disease can loosen and misalign your teeth.

3) Missing teeth: Teeth adjacent to or opposite an empty space in your mouth will tend to shift into that space.

4) Stomach-sleeping: The continual pressure on your teeth can gradually push them out of alignment.

There are several ways we can help you prevent your teeth from shifting, such as providing you with a mouthguard to prevent nighttime grinding, regular cleanings and providing you with bridges or implants.

You don’t have to settle for shifting teeth! Contact us for a consultation to see if you're a candidate for Invisalign aligners. Call StarBrite Dental in Rockville, MDfor an appointment today at (301) 770-1070!

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