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An Interview with Dr. Maryam Seifi

Have the Smile You’ve Always Wanted

StarBrite: Dr. Seifi, what is cosmetic dentistry?

Dr. Seifi: Cosmetic dentistryis providing a patient with the smile they wish they had. Perhaps their natural teeth came in crooked or are broken or discolored. There might be gaps between them or maybe some teeth are too short or too square.

We have so many different ways to address the imperfections of a person’s smile. We can use Invisalign clear aligners to straighten their teeth, veneers to cover discoloration or poorly shaped teeth, crowns, bridges or new dentures. The smile improvement they need might be as simple as professionally whitening their teeth.

StarBrite: What’s involved in designing a new smile?

Dr. Seifi: A new smile should not only be beautiful, it should also look completely natural on the patient. When I perform a Smile Makeover, I study the patient’s appearance, shape of their face, length of their nose, width of the smile—everything. I also make sure that their teeth and gums are healthy so every improvement I make will last. Once I take all these factors into account, I begin to design a new smile for the patient. It may involve a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures. A new smile can actually take years off a person’s appearance.

StarBrite: What do you enjoy most about helping patients with cosmetic dentistry?

Dr. Seifi: I love that patients feel so much happier after they complete their smile makeover. They’re able to smile and laugh with friends comfortably without embarrassment. They don’t have to cover their mouths when they talk. Patients enjoy life more, they may make advancements in their careers and start rewarding new relationships. All because they feel more confident with a beautiful smile. I love being able to help patients transform their lives by transforming their smile.

Come in for your Complimentary Smile Consultation and get a Smile Analysis - see your new, perfect smile instantly!

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